The Reason for the Hope

”but in your hearts honor Christ the Lord as holy, always being prepared to make a defense to anyone who asks you for a reason for the hope that is in you; yet do it with gentleness and respect”

1 Peter 3:15


The unique shape of my own Christian journey has been formed by God’s faithful pursuit of me and also by an army of thought leaders, intellectuals and philosophers who have gone before me in asking the toughest questions. These fellow sojourners, who have taken the time to place their own journeys and findings in writing, continue to extend a helping hand to those of us intimately familiar with thirst for just a drop of light at the end of dark tunnels of doubt. Below, I’ve listed some of the resources that have been most impactful to me on my journey of intellectual and philosophical doubts. In addition to researching Christian apologetics, I also recommend exploring content by prominent atheists like Bart Ehrman, Richard Dawkins, Friedrich Nietzsche, Bertrand Russel, and the like. Becoming familiar with their perspectives helps with critical thinking and helps one gain a broader, richer understanding of the philosophical context in which the world’s biggest questions and ideas exist. Also, many atheists raise a lot of good questions that I think that Christians should consider.

Podcast Channels

Unbelievable (debates on just about every question I’ve had)

Ask N.T. Wright Anything (answers to the questions Christians want to know)

Maybe God (inspires doubtful believers and hopeful skeptics to boldly seek answers to their most challenging faith questions)

Capturing Christianity

Bema Podcast (fresh ways of reading the Bible)